Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You're NEVER too Old!

This week, the evenings are packed with performances of all sorts - poetry reading in different languages, music, dancing.
Monday night, we watched some local dancers kicking up their heels.
A troupe of maybe 40 lithe, nubile young men and women gyrated rhythmically to pulsating music. No doubt, hearts were racing....and NOT just from the physical exertion!
The most hilarious dance however, was performed by a "courting couple", of a certain age -
she with ample hips and a "come hither" manner; he, a dashing dandy dressed in white pants and colorful serape, with cane in hand . . . . put on quite a suggestive show as they pursued one another across the stage until the old gent passed out and the senora attempted to revive him by flapping her skirt in his face!
Stay tuned! It's a bit more difficult to upload video footage to the blog. Youtube may come to the rescue!

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