Friday, February 25, 2011

Isleta Tour I

We hired a guia (guide) and launch to show us around the countless little bitty isletas just off shore in Lago Nicaragua, which were formed when Volcan Mombacho blew its top and spewed chunks of lava into the water, just offshore. Our guide was very skilled at teasing out the wildlife along shore. He did a GREAT howler monkey call and got the local alpha male pretty worried. These little monkeys have a fierce "howl" that sent chills up my spine when I first heard it!
A BIG voice in the trees is a great way to make neighboring males think twice about venturing too close to the family compound and attempting to spirit some of the females away. The isletas provide a rich and diverse habitat for wildlife and good fishing and a brisk wind makes for good sailing. This senora probably nets fish every day to feed herself and her family. She was fishing in a quiet spot, out of the wind. The isletas provide homes for people as well as wildlife. Some young people who live on the isletas get to school by kayak.
Here's a close-up of a large kingfisher (unfortunately, looking the other way).
Birds actively hunt for fish. We saw osprey, herons and legions of cormorants on our tour.

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