Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday is a time for family in Mexico. We should take note! Work pretty much stops for most people here. Families head out to find a good picnic site.
As I write this, Larry and I are sitting under a big beautiful tree overlooking the ocean. There is a local family of about a dozen people of all ages enjoying a meal together. "Grandpa" was assisted by two men to the seat of honor at the picnic, in the midst of the family.
There is so much tolearn from the Mexican culture! Their values are focused on family, on making the most of time and relationships. Celebrations happen at the drop of a hat!
Time for siesta!

1 comment:

Joe Kollman update said...

Hey Bonnie and Larry,
Looks like you're livin' your dream....not the one where you are harvesting trees here in Oregon....the other one that includes a siesta daily and a cervasa (spelling?) Good for you!