Thursday, February 23, 2012

Exploring San Miguel

San Miguel Transportation
 San Miguel is a town where one is just as likely to encounter four-legged foot traffic as cars.
Here, we notice a slower, more relaxed pace and easier walking........
The Jardin (town square) in front of La Parroquia - the parish church in the center of town, is the hub of religious activity....especially on Ash Wednesday.  The Faithful displayed ashes on their foreheads after church services.
We spent a lot of time today just walking around and getting our bearings.  You don't have to walk too far to find a small neighborhood square or park where people gather on benches in the shade.
LOTS of gathering spots

Native Dress during a weekend celebration
 This photo from a few years ago shows the amazing native dress that comes out the first weekend in March.  Many people from surrounding villages process into the city to dance and celebrate the Conquest of Christ.  For a few days, modern life and successful careers are set aside for traditional dancing, feasting and celebration.  The native dance costumes are hand-made and hours of practice produce an incredible weekend of sights, sounds and tastes!
A square near the mercado

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