Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nevada - Geology 101!

As we motored across Highway 50 from Fernley to Ely, we THOUGHT we were in for a long, B-O-R-I-N-G drive across "The World's Loneliest Highway", but we were dazzled all across the state of Nevada by the rocks - all kinds of shapes and sizes!  They were like a huge, rumpled table cloth that had been pushed up into folds.  The layers of rocks, once flat and buried, are now exposed and at angles pointing skyward - evidence of some past geologic activity of epic proportions! . 

The World's Loneliest Highway

How DID these rock formations happen???

Tilted Rock Layers, Pushed Up by Forces Below

Hmmmm....Volcanic ? 

Rock Folds Tilting One Way

.....And Then the Other!

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