Though we did our best to discourage the company of some unwelcome viral "gangstas" on our trip south, with regular doses of Emergen-C and Echinacea prior to departure, the microbial invasion delayed our leaving by a day.
We nervously watched the ominous clouds gather and felt the temperature drop, and despite the sniffles and sneezes, we decided we needed to beat-feet it across the Siskiyou Pass, before the weather window of opportunity slammed shut. It should be noted and appreciated by all readers that the driver sacrificed himself in a heroic effort behind the wheel for the 8 to 10 hour sojourn to get us safely beyond the Oregon California border, as he fought valiantly to stave off the life-threatening viral attack. What a GUY! Just ask him! Morning fog and sub-freezing tempertures did convert parts of I-5 down the Willamette Valley into a skating rink for the earliest, unsuspecting travelers. The result was a roadside littered with cars whose drivers fell victim to the whims of Mother Nature. We took note and motored carefully over pavement that appeared to be dry. Once the sun burned through the fog, we breezed along at a steady clip. Mother Nature can be beautiful and wicked at the same time! Isn't that JUST like a woman!
Our Saturday night resting spot was in Orland, California, near Red Bluff. I-5 is not the most inspiring route south, but the single digit temperature through Nevada gave us pause.
We are in Edison, CA Saturday night- near Bakersfield, camped in an orange grove where the owners request that the RV campers limit their citrus harvest to one large grocery bag.
SUCH a tough life!!!!