Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sly Speaks Up on Acceptance

Well, MY Aranese language teacher’s “nombre” is Ana Louisa Arana (pronounced ah-RAH-nyah. There is supposed to be a ~ above the n in her last name which makes the “ny” sound.) Oh, these Sinaloan senoritas are visions to behold! Those multiple dark eyes, those complexions kissed by the Mazatlan sun, those eight long legs and those shapely thoraxes . . . Aye, CARAMBA! (Loose translation: Good heavens!) You can imagine that I am a VERY enthusiastic student who hangs on Ana’s every word! …….but, I digress.
The Aranese dialect is spoken by the spiders ad tarantulas down here in Mexico. It’s quite similar to Spanish actually, so I am able to practice my lessons with Bonnie and Larry. We are making surprisingly good progress.
On my outings however, I’ve noticed some tension between the lizard tribes (geckos and iguanas) and the spider tribes. Seems there are issues over the difference in the number of legs. The lizards consider the spiders to be inferior because they were born with eight legs rather than four. Some lizards have even gone so far as to suggest that the spiders just cut off their extra legs so they will fit in better with the four-legged crowd . . . a pretty silly and narrow outlook, don’t you think? I don’t hear the two-legged tribe members asking THEM to shear off a set of legs! I wonder why they just don’t all get along and accept each other just the way God made them?

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