Tuesday, March 25, 2008

San Miguel de Allende

We spent Easter in one of our favorite cities - San Miguel de Allende. Surprise! Pre-sunrise service happened at midnight - Mass was celebrated outside the local cathedral, with loudspeakers broadcasting around the neighborhood. The final "AMEN" came in the form of a fireworks show, right above our campground and better than any I've witnessed, so I forgave the good Catholics for keeping us awake! Top picture is of the main cathedral in the Jardin when a procession was about to begin.
Great shopping opportunities have provided accents for the condominium - bedspreads, table cloths, lamps, wonderful original artwork created by expats who have migrated away from the stress and strain of the "real" world of the rat race up north.
Our accommodations were wonderful! We were situated behind a red gate in a small, quiet RV camp with tennis courts nearby. See the second and third pictures!

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