Friday, March 12, 2010

Returning to Mazatlan

The road trip today from San Miguel de Allende to Villa Corona was taxing on both driver and navigator, to say the least! Friends and fellow Mexico travelers, Kathy and Lonnie, will attest to our shared ghastly experiences from past years, navigating through the city of La Piedad. There seems to be eternal road construction in the city, and a maze of twists and turns and multiple route options - -NONE good!
Driver and navigator developed badly frayed nerves, which resulted in some spirited verbal exchanges as we negotiated through the dusty, torn up streets, forced to make split second decisions at numerous junctions, with traffic weaving impatiently in and out around us.
We are settled in at the Chimulco RV Park in Villa Corona, and amends have been made over a couple of cold cerbezas. We're looking forward to a nice morning spa soak in the freshly filled pool, before we start our last leg of this year's journey back to Mazatlan.

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