Saturday, February 27, 2010

The 2010 Journey Inland Begins

Amigos in Charge
After providing THOROUGH instructions on Mazatlan survival to Kathy and Mario, we felt confident that they would not only survive, but THRIVE in our absence! (Pictures 4 & 5)
Mazatlan to Villa Corona
Kathy and Mario tearfully waved good-bye as we departed Mazatlan Thursday morning bright and early. NOT early enough, however, to avoid the morning commute traffic! Cars, trucks and busses criss-crossed in front of us, causing some MAJOR heart burn for the driver and navigator. An hour after departure, we escaped the mayhem of the city and headed down the coast, and then inland, through the city of Tepic and on to a Villa Corona RV park with pools of hot spring water that are refilled every morning. Imagine a hot tub the size of a swimming pool! A GIANT jacuzzi! The water starts flowing into the pools about 7AM. Early risers can sit in the deep end of the pool, under the deliciously warm water which cascades into the pool through a nice, big pipe and have a refreshing wake up dunk. HEAVEN! Que Bueno!
Travel Companions
Let me introduce Liza Lizard and Tallulah Tortuga. (Picture 3)Now Larry may have a twitching attack when he finds out about THIS year's mascot/traveling companions, but the unbridled expression of his wife's creative imagination and energy is the price he must pay for her company during these months away from Oregon! Thank you Kathy for bringing "The Girls" down. I hope you enjoy hearing from them from time to time!
Villa Corona to San Miguel de Allende
Friday morning, the travel continued East, around the South shore of Lake Chapala. (Picture 2)
This was NOT a toll road, so the going was pretty slow. We were rewarded! As we passed through a small village, the morning market was in full swing. We pulled over and bought fresh produce and some home made chiles rellenos. Muy RICO! It was a longer travel day than we had anticipated, but we made it to our destination and one of our most favorite Mexican cities - San Miguel de Allende. There is major road construction, so we went to Plan B and pulled into more accessible La Siesta RV Park, rather than the preferred "Tennis Court" RV Park. Early tomorrow morning, we'll reposition into the more secure setting, before we bus over to Guanajuato to rendezvous with amigos Jeanne and John Lloyd.
Bus to Guanajuato
Ah! Our first taste of the luxury of first class bus travel between cities in Mexico! Free snacks offered as passengers board the bus; cushy, reclining seats with foot rests; soft music; sparkling clean "comfort" rooms; BIG windows. AND, they are on time!
We went to check out our Guanajuato accommodations for next week and were VERY pleased! (Picture 1) This promises to be a delightful trip! Welcome aboard!

1 comment:

~ Marie ~ said...

I'm in your pocket too! Cheers!