Wednesday, March 14, 2007

On Mexican Time

Larry and I were referred to Sr. Carlos Salizar, "the big boss" of the Costa Veleros project, who alone could permit entrance to our unit. We caught the bus to Costa Veleros this morning about 10. Carolina, the sales person motioned us to the "command central" trailer on the construction site. A young woman in the trailer, who spoke no English tried to explain to us that Sr. Salizar was in a meeting until mid-afternoon. Once she located a person with enough of a grasp of English to interpret for us, we agreed to return later in the day. Larry and I approached the Oficina de Vigilancia at the gate of the project about 2 PM. The very serious security guard wore highly polished combat boots and carried a walkie talkie to communicate with those in charge of the project. A young engineer Francisco, came out to inform us that Sr. Salizar had just finished the eeting and was about to leave for lunch. We inquired i there wouold be a more convenienttime to visit our unit. Francisco went back to confer with "the big boss". It was decided that Francisco could escort us to the unit. AHHH!With some good uploading karma, we will be able to share some of the pictures we took of the interior of the condo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola - Nice pictures of the condo. Looks like they are getting close to being finished.

Can't wait to see more.

Love Joe