Young are born and the cycle of life repeats......
It is heartbreaking to witness an elk cow helplessly standing by soon after a bear sow has taken her calf in order to feed her two growing cubs. Bison calves are also at risk, but the larger, more formidable bison herd provides solid protection.
This bear was grazing in a meadow. Like us, bears are omnivorous. Their diet is a mix of meat and vegetables. Meat is preferred because it provides more calories, but the plants don't run away, so they are more accessible.
This bull elk was grazing alongside a river. Despite all the commotion on the road above he was not the least bit concerned with the attention and went about munching the tender new shoots of grass.
What a treat to witness nature almost uninterrupted!
It's almost like a zoo in reverse! Park rangers magically materialize at active viewing areas to manage the crowds and keep both wildlife and people safe......Government funds well spent, don't you think?