This morning, we headed West from Blanding, on yet
another scenic highway, toward Natural Arches National Monument. Of course, our vehicle stops at ALL points of interest along the way!
The 9 mile loop through the monument took us about 2 hours, with stops and short hikes to viewpoints of the various arches created by the meandering San Juan River. Can somebody PLEASE help me come up with some alternatives for "spectacular", "majestic" and "breath taking"?
The trip from the top of the mesa, down a narrow, steep, winding gravel road to the valley floor was QUITE a thrill! ELEVEN HUNDRED feet down in THREE miles! Larry took it nice and slow!
Tonight, we are safe and sound in Monument Valley on nice, flat terrain!
We lucked onto a nice RV park with WiFi, so the blog goes on!
Onward to Canyon de Chelly tomorrow for 2 days of exploring. This canyon was featured in a recent National Geographic special publication on Southwest destinations. More to report in a couple of days!
Mule Canyon Pueblo Now |
Mule Canyon Pueblo Then |
Natural Arches National Monument |
The Arches are Created by Water Erosion |
The Canyon River Twists and Turns, Cutting into the Cliffs |
Another Cliffside Dwelling
Looks More Primitive than Mesa Verde Pueblo Dwellings |
Feathered Panhandler |
"Got a Little Morsel for a Poor Starving Fella?" |
Overlooking Monument Valley 1,100 feet below |
Don't Get Too Close to the Edge! |
3 Miles of Hair Pin Turns Down Gravel Road.
1,100 Foot White Knuckle Descent! |
Mexican Hat Rock |
Monument Valley Rock Formation