After a crazy-busy September, filled with MUCH busy-ness, we hit the road!
Camper loaded into the truck bed on first try - a GOOD sign!
We headed to Bend, in Central Oregon, where we checked up on John Bedortha, who was hospitalized after an ATV crash. The good news is that he's now back in Portland area and is healing up, slowly, but surely!
We then connected with friends - Norm and Jodi - who hail from Independence - Larry's old stompin' grounds; then, Lonnie and Kathy - houseboat amigos and Mexico traveling companions.
Good visits and catch-up time! Nice accommodations at Tumalo State Park!
From the Bend area, we headed East to the John Day Fossil Bed National Monument.
The Painted Hills Unit of the Monument was breath taking! A wonderland of red and gold rock layers, which tell a fascinating story of the area's geological history!
The heart of Oregon is majestic and awe-inspiring! The pioneers who traveled the Oregon Trail some 150 years ago saw it as the Promised Land. However, Mother Nature threw them some pretty wicked curves along the way - weather, mountains, rivers, disease. And then, there were wagon train issues - injuries, bickering among the travelers, hostile attacks ......
The Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Baker City provided us with a heart-rending account of the trials and tribulations encountered on the difficult six month journey....