Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains - Highway 395 North between Lone Pine and Gardnerville.

Despite the high wind warnings advising against travel by high profile trucks, RVs and campers, we put our heads down and pushed ahead from Lone Pine to Gardnerville . . . North up highway 395 on the East side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Larry had a death grip on the steering wheel for the entire four hours it took us to get to Gardnerville, where we were welcomed by Aunt Holly and Uncle Bill. After we enjoyed some "friendly" Manhattans at cocktail hour, blended artfully by Bartender Bill, the stresses of the day melted away!
Fickle Mother Nature threatened us with more wind and some snow added to boot, so we were up early and on the road.
Susanville or Winnemucca? Siskiyou or Santiam Pass? After calls to the Nevada, California, and Oregon road report numbers, we decided on the route through Winnemucca, Burns, Bend and Oregon City. Burns is our resting place for tonight.
It's good to be back in the Beaver State, even if we WERE greeted with squalls of hail as we made our way to Burns! NICE WELCOME!
Tuesday, we will head home, with a stop in Sisters to have a quick visit with friends and fellow "vagabundos" Kathy and Lonnie. It's always fun to compare the "war" stories of the travel home!