Tallulah: "Well my dear, maybe it WAS a little stuffy and the view wasn't much to write home about, but it sure beats walking, don't you think?"
Liza: "Yes, I guess you're right . . . You're always SO understanding."
Tallulah: " Just think about the fun we'll have in Guanajuato and then in San Miguel! I'm sure our accommodations will be delightful!"
Liza: "I've heard the food is FAB-uloso! Toasted salamontes con salsa y queso in tortillas, washed down with a nice cold cerbeza! Muy rico!"
Tallulah: "Oh, Puh-LEEZ! SPARE me! I prefer vegetarian fare! Totopos with guacamole and salsa suits me just fine. Of COURSE, a Margarita would be a lovely addition to cocktail hour. Si, amiga?"
Liza: "Joven - - las cuentas separados, por favor!"